IG00150: Some analyzation results

After one of my IG00150s failed and has been replaced by another one I gave it to my friend who was curious about analyzing. He was sending me his results, which I will post as is. According to him it contains every information required to build a substitute curcuit. The sine output is missing here as it is the part that has gone bad.

M51620P (IG00150)

Yamaha IG00150 measurements

Supply +/-15V, C0=0.33µF, R0=470K (measured 468.56K)
Vc = voltage on 100K resistor (other end connected to pin 1)
   - measured 98.6K
VI = voltage on pin 1 (vary inaccurate due to fluctuations)

Vc(V)  VI(V)  t(ms)  div
-2.000  -0.041  2260  -
-1.000  -0.0221  1164  1.942
0.000  0.002  602.1  1.933
1.000  0.0180  310.0  1.942
2.000  0.0376  160.0  1.938
3.000  0.0563  82.61
4.000  0.0770  42.80
7.00  0.1392  6.001
8.00  0.1620  3.230  1.857
9.00  0.1852  1.850  1.746
10.00  0.2054  1.352  1.368

VI close to the well-known 18mV per octave, Ube of the exponential converter transistor

Voltage at C0:
Triangle -0.683V - 2.35V

Retest voltage at C0 at +/-12V supply:
-0.333V - 2.10V

Retest voltage at C0 at +/-10V supply:
-0.140V - 1.93V

Comparator thresholds are relative to supply voltage

Voltage at saw output:
-1.79V - 1.54V (overshoot 2.38V)

- sawtooth waveshaper designed for +/-15V
- good results starting at +/-13.5V
- switching point close to 50%

Waveshaper tri->sine analysis:
- ramp up->down switch = saw reset
- minor glitch in saw during ramp down->up switch of tri

Measured R between pins 1 and 2:
+ on 1, - on 2: 1.952K
- on 1, + on 2: 1.639K
- positive temperature characteristic

Calculated R between pins 1 and 2: 
IG00150: Some analyzation results IG00150: Some analyzation results Reviewed by MFox on 10:23 AM Rating: 5
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