CS-80 Calibration Part 1: Prologue

Since I picked up my CS-80 from the former owner in 2007, the only calibration I did was just adjusting the pitch.

Until now I have been listening to those variations in Filter/vca levels and Envelope timings for a long time, because thoroughly calibrating the CS-80 requires doing tasks I was not feeling skilled enough to do - until recently.

With help from a dear friend I learned how to solder properly, how to use an oscilloscope and what not, and he patiently gave me support throughout the calibration process whenever I got stuck somewhere. Kudos to him!

Yamaha CS-80 initial calibration and tuning setup
Initial Calibration Setup
With my improved knowledge I felt ready to calibrate the CS80 by myself and decided to start the journey from page one until last page of the adjustment procedure manual. I was sure it will take maximum a whole weekend and maybe another one - it took almost 4 weeks in the end. An adventurous  journey it was, full of obstacles during my path. But it was worth it, I learned a lot about the CS-80 and have a great and balanced sounding synth now.

During calibration I have been dealing with puzzling errors in the adjustment procedure manual and even on the boards themselves, a bunch of steps I had to redo because I forgot or adjusted something wrong; cables on terminals that fell off; failing parts and besides all that, it is really a challenge sometimes to remove/put back the boards into the rail without ripping those small cables off. I'm sure because of all this high blood pressure it has decreased my life expectancy by a few years. :)

However, as there is only little information on the web and with all the endless hours spent, I will share my findings and puzzlings pieces of the calibration process as I'm sure someone else who desperately searches for information can make some use of it. I have also updated the adjustment procedure manual. The link will be in the next chapter.

Let me emphasize that everything written here are my own findings which are working for me and for me only and even might be erroneous. Therefore, I take no responsibility for any wrong value, any damage you do on your machine or yourself. If you think something I posted or described is utterly wrong or total bullshit, please let me know. Also if you have something that should be added, etc. also let me know.

Continue to Part 2: Setting Up And General Tips
CS-80 Calibration Part 1: Prologue CS-80 Calibration Part 1: Prologue Reviewed by MFox on 6:00 PM Rating: 5
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